Finest Hour Life Coaching

The hidden treasure inside each of us is a call to our own destiny. How far will you go when you discover your finest hour?

This coaching practice is born from a lifetime of listening to others but not listening to my own authentic self. I have spent countless hours face to face, with people who needed someone to help them get from where they were, (living unsatisfied) to where they hoped to be. Many of them didn't understand what was wrong. They just knew that life was passing by and they weren’t living the life they wanted.

This story is shared with permission: A young woman came to me feeling like her soul was dying. I didn't see her that way at all. When asked what she dreamed about she said “the ocean”. How incredible! Her soul wasn't dying, it just needed a dive buddy. We talked about her passion, her fears and mostly the unbelief that she could ever live out her dream. We worked through those fears, the doubts, and many other obstacles until she reached her goal. We walked through all of the unknowns and charted a course, literally, to the ocean. Today, she has a degree in Marine Environmental Technology, Biology and is a certified research diver. The most amazing part of her story is how it made those around her want to achieve their dreams, too. That's why I'm a coach! I finally decided to listen to my authentic voice and chart my own course. I dared to walk away from my safe, self-imposed career and step into my finest hour.

How far will you go when you discover yours? Let's dive in!